Whether you are purchasing an existing business or wish to start up a new business or purchasing real estate, one of the most important decision that you will make is to form a corporation or an limited liability company. Forming a corporate entity is important for anyone who wants to take advantage of shielding themselves from personal liability and having a corporate entity operate business and/or real estate. Mr Trivedi has counselled private held businesses owners and real estate inventors for over 20 years. A large number of companies are privately held and are structured as corporation or a partnership or limited liability company. Privately held companies or organizations have many legal needs. Mr. Trivedi provides advise on issues such as creating the company (the “startup”) and thereafter all phases of legal structure of the company. Mr. Trivedi can advice on the formulation and enforcement of contracts, on tax matters and even on succession issues.
New businesses are typically faced with numerous business decisions, including whether to structure the business as a corporation, a partnership, a limited liability company, a sole proprietorship, or even as a joint venture (a partnership agreement with an established company). Determining the appropriate business structure requires a thorough analysis on how to limit liability for the shareholder and its members. As part of determining how to structure the business, Mr. Trivedi and his team can assist with the start-up venture with matters such as developing a business plan and finding sources of financing, so that you can concentrate on the business and leave the worries to Mr. Trivedi.